COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - A quick-thinking Boy Scout foiled an assassination attempt on the president of the Maldives on Tuesday, grabbing an attacker's knife as the man leapt from a crowd and lunged at the leader, an official said.
President Maumoon Gayoom was unhurt, but his shirt was ripped as the attacker tried a second time to stab him before being overpowered by security guards, government spokesman Mohammed Shareef said.
"One brave boy saved the president's life," he said.
As an Eagle Scout, I am pretty amazed and proud by this story. I guess the attacker didn't have his Totin' Chip. [A joke only a Boy Scout could love.]

Broken Social Scene -- Fire Eyed Boy (Live)
This track is from their 2006 Lollapalooza performance.
Hot Chip -- And I Was A Boy From School
This track is from the The Warning album.