Support Booker T & The MGs here, The New Pornographers here, and Goldfrapp here.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Support Booker T & The MGs here, The New Pornographers here, and Goldfrapp here.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Forgotten Classic #2: Big Wreck -- "The Oaf"
Although the band broke up in 2002, and their two albums are currently not in print in the United States, keep the lead singers ASCAP checks flowing by buying this.
Here's the Problem
For example:
The headline yesterday were:
John Edwards: Americans Should 'Sacrifice' SUVs for Environment
When someone takes a stand that someone shouldn't "do" something it seems like common sense that they shouldn't do it themselves...and it should be common sense that every conservative blogger or journalist looking for a scoop will be searching for a recent photo of John Edwards in an SUV...or worse come to worse one of him standing by one...and so today, guess what, we have this article and photo:

The Democratic response (from Politico's article):
Do you see what I mean? Why can't the response be, "John Edwards does not own an SUV and Americans should follow his lead and find alternatives?"Edwards spokesman Eric Schultz says they buy carbon offsets for the vehicles,
and adds:"John Edwards believes that all Americans need to be patriotic about something other than war, and that means conserving at home, at work, and in the cars they drive. And that includes the Edwards family. They drive a hybrid Ford Escape, but they also still own a Chrysler Pacifica – which they use less often. He is reducing his own impact on global warming by driving a hybrid, building an energy-efficient home, and subsidizing renewable energy to offset the carbon emissions of his home, vehicles, and his campaign."
Atrios At His Best
Lay Off Miss Teen S.C.
I don't know if she's dumb as a stone or if she just understandably had a bit of a brain fart. I've got a Ph.D and I probably had moments like that in public. Either way she's just a young woman whose worst moment wasn't appreciably worse than the regular outbursts of our commander in chief. It means nothing. Let it go.
Christopher Hitchens
Recent articles about the letters of Mother Theresa have reminded me of Hitchens' best book, The Missionary Position: Mother Theresa in Theory and Practice in which he takes on one of the most universally respected people primarily because people know nothing about her.
Little Britain
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Forgotten Classic #1: Marvelous 3 -- Freak of the Week
Support Marvelous 3 here.

Starsailor is usually regarded as one of the most difficult and unusual albums in all of rock. That assessment is certainly true – the record contains a host of songs that takes many listens to become accustomed to. The title track, with it’s eerie, unnerving opening, it emblematic of the whole album. Indeed, it certainly can be seen as an ambitious failure. “Star Sailor” is certainly atmospheric, but it’s convoluted, bizarre vocal is pretentious, and totally unrewarding. “Star Sailor” sounds like a slowed down record; what effect Buckley was trying to achieve here is hard to comprehend. Indeed, it’s probable that he was just being wilfully perverse. Nevertheless, “Star Sailor” sounds to modern ears to be a rather silly mistake from an artist whose ambitions for once got the better of him.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Not a Brainstem: Al Sharpton
And here is the correction on
This is Alex Johnson, the author of the MSNBC story. Just for the record, I have determined that the Sharpton "blog" entry is a hoax and have issued a correction. I'd hate to see Mr. Sharpton get slammed for something he didn't actually say.
An earlier version of this article quoted from a blog entry purportedly by the Rev. Al Sharpton. has determined that the blog is a hoax. In July, Sharpton signed a letter with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals condemning dogfighting, saying: “Dogfighting is unacceptable. Hurting animals for human leasure or gain is despicable. Cruelty is just plain wrong.”
For the record: Al Sharpton is not a brainstem and thanks to Alex for the correction.
Brainstem of the Day: Al Sharpton
“If the police caught Brett Favre (a white quarterback for the Green Bay Packers) running a dolphin-fighting ring out of his pool, where dolphins with spears attached to their foreheads fought each other, would they bust him? Of course not,” Sharpton wrote Tuesday on his personal blog.
“They would get his autograph, commend him on his tightly spiraled forward passes, then bet on one of his dolphins.”
See the next post for an UPDATE.
"Pop Tarts: Jenna Jameson Goes From Porn Star to Pancake"
Yeah, Maximo is Badly Drawn
Iraqi Vacation
"Have fun on your vacation. We'll be over here holdin' down the fort, because this is an actual frickin' fort."
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Q: Do The Flight of the Conchords Rock? A: Affirmative
Watch Flight of the Conchords on HBO and buy their music from Sub Pop.
I Went To A Wilco Concert And All I Got Were These Lousy Photos

Sounds Like A Case For Poirot
An 81-year-old houseguest suffered a fatal heart attack at the summer home of former President George H.W. Bush.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Only 499 To Go

The View

Monday, August 20, 2007
Football Season
So, fine. I think it's a poor decision in the long term, but then again, NFL fans seem incapable of being offended enough by the league's anti-fan stance to do anything about it. The single most fan-unfriendly deal in North American team sports is the NFL charging regular-season prices for exhibition games, and then forcing season-ticket buyers, the best customers, to buy those exhibition-game tickets.
Couldn't disagree more. I've been on the season ticket list for my old home team, The Green Bay Packers, for a few years now and I'm not expecting to get tickets for a few decades or sooner if the Packers endure a few 2-14 seasons minus Mr. Favre. My only option for Packer games is buy online at above face value or pre-season.
The same is true where I live now, Seattle. Since they made it to the Super Bowl two seasons ago Seahawks tickets are sky high. My only shot to get a nice ticket at face value is pre-season which I am doing next Saturday versus my arch nemesis, The Minnesota Vikings.
I would say early Flaming Lips meets the most far out Pavement. Enjoy!
P.S. "Amasser" means "to pile up" in French...
B of A
Check It Off The List
I think of that now as my fiance is heading to Latvia for 10 months as a Fulbright scholar and she mentions that she is fulfilling two of her life's goals at live in Europe and to learn to speak Latvian fluently...
What are my life goals?...and am I meeting any of them? Thinking about it, yes I am...recently, because of this blog I have been contacted by some musicians/artists about reviewing their music...I've always wanted to do this and I am excited to do it...I received a CD by one groups over the weekend and I will get something out shortly after I have time to digest the music...anyway, check that off the list.
Lack of Follow Through
To make up for lost time here are two that were apart of my vacation:
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bloc Party

Bad Songs By Good People #1: The Flaming Lips

Two Events
Here is another story that I don't think will get as much coverage. I know it isn't right in our backyard and Brian Williams can't easily broadcast from they don't have the great "Minnesota Nice" tag line...but we should be having around-the-clock updates on the hunt for the masterminds behind these murders.
Romney & The Ruskies
Mr. Romney referred to recent comments that Mrs. Clinton made about the economy. "She said we have been an ‘on-your-own society.' She said, ‘It's time to get rid of that and replace it with shared responsibility,'" Mr. Romney said. "That's out with Adam Smith and in with Karl Marx." Mr. Romney advocated lowering corporate and personal income taxes as well as a freeze on taxes on savings accounts. (That's my emphasis added -- Matt)
Currently on Mitt Romney: Presidential Candidate:
The 47-page federal report was something of a revelation for Romney as well. Forced to open his blind trust, the Romneys --and the world--discovered precisely which stocks, bonds and mutual funds they own.Wikipedia on Gazprom:
Among them: $2.5 million to $8 million in AB Svensk Exportkredit, a Swedish export credit corporation; and $1 million to $5 million in Eksportfinans ASA, a Norwegian financing corporation, and $100,000 to $250,000 in Russian energy giant Gazprom. Ann Romney's trust reported various Goldman Sachs investments of more than $1 million (spousal assets can be reported in less precise figures). Romney's trust has $3.5 million to $16 million in Goldman Sachs investments. (That's my emphasis added again -- Matt)
Gazprom Shareholder Structure (as of September 5, 2005, [17]):
State Property Committee of Russia (Rosimushchestvo) - 38.37315 % (My emphasis one more time...--Matt)
Rosneftegaz - 10.73985 %
Gerosgaz - 2.92997 %
E.ON Ruhrgas - 2.5 %
Gazfond - 3.22159 %
Nafta Moscow - 2.12502 %
The Bank of New York International Nominees - 4.42218 %
Iowa Straw Poll
• Third-place finisher Sam Brownback says he spent about $325,000 to win hisThe exciting news for people interested in politics either left or right is the surprising showing by Mike Huckabee. I don't know much about him, outside of the fact he lost a ton of weight. Here is Governor Huckabee on the Daily Show:
2,192 votes. That's $148.27 for each vote.
• Second-place finisher Mike Huckabee spent about $150,000 and received 2,587 votes. That's $57.98 per vote.
• Winner Mitt Romney has not said how much he spent. The reporting in this
Washington Post article suggests at least $2 million and possibly more than twice that much. Assuming $2 million for 4,516 votes, that's $442.87 per vote. But it could top $1,000.
Every Political Blogger's Duty
Here is today's headline reminder:
Judge: Reporters Must Reveal Sources in Anthrax Leak Case
The. Coolest. Senator. Ever.
Leahy is apparently a big comic book enthusiast, and actually served as an extra in the 1997 Batman installment: Batman and Robin.
The senator told the station he can't reveal the exact details of his role in the upcoming movie, but he did say he has landed a scene with its two stars, Christian Bale and Heath Ledger.
Monday, August 13, 2007
To All Those History Majors
On a different note, is the curriculum for history classes in some American states restricted to learning about Hitler and the Nazis and 1938 and Hitler and Germany? It must be, because there are many right-wing fanatics whose entire understanding of the world is reduced in every instance to that sole historical event -- as though the world began in 1937, ended in 1945, and we just re-live that moment in time over and over and over:
Love war? You are Churchill, a noble warrior. Oppose war? You're Chamberlain, a vile appeaser. And everyone else is Hitler. That, more or less, composes the full scope of "thought" among this strain on the right.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Failure to Communicate
In response, Bush has addressed the rumor publicly: once during the second debate, and also on the campaign trail. During a speech in Ohio on Wednesday, he quickly quashed any proposed return of the draft: "There will be no draft," he said. "The all-volunteer army will remain an all-volunteer army."
The new War Czar on the draft, 8/10/07:
"And I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table. But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting the demands for the nation's security by one means or another," Lute added in his first interview since he was confirmed by the Senate in June.
In Case You Wondered
My Favorite Kind of Article
The McCain numbers are striking. As recently as May, he led the pack in some Iowa polls. Just three months later, his support has dipped into the low single-digits. "We knew McCain was falling rapidly and other polls have showed him falling into the single digits, but we could not find Republican caucus-goers who said they were going to support McCain," said Redlawsk. "It was pretty shocking just how far down he was."
Perhaps most surprising of all, Obama actually finished third as the preferred general election candidate of registered Republicans, at 6.7 percent, behind Romney (21.8 percent), and Giuliani (10 percent), but ahead of Thompson (5.2 percent) and McCain (1.8 percent).
Oldie But A Goodie
Outside of that though, the song is 2 minutes of Phil Spector produced Wall of Sound goodness...which is also about the length of the career of the Four Pennies.
You can't buy any Four Pennies (US) CDs anywhere but you can buy The Four Pennies (UK) here.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Thoughts on Blur
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Interpol B-side

Buy everything Interpol here.
Brainstem of the Day

The waning of art film has been just one of the bitter cultural disappointments that the baby-boom generation has had to endure. Rock music, which exploded in the artistic renaissance of the '60s and '70s, seems to have exhausted its formulas. At the moment, hip-hop and disco-derived dance music enjoy far greater prestige everywhere.
Someday Glastonbury

The Raconteurs

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hitler's Playlist
Lew Besymenski was a Soviet intelligence officer who helped to interrogate captured Nazi generals. He found the record collection in Hitler's chancellery in May 1945 when he was ordered to make a search shortly after Berlin fell to the Red army. The discs were packed in crates - most likely for an evacuation to Hitler's Alpine retreat on the Obersalzberg. All were marked with the label Führerhauptquartier - Führer's HQ; in the event, Hitler elected to stay and fight to the end.
Monday, August 6, 2007
You Say "Jens", I Say "Yens"

This one is his first song from his new album, Night Falls Over Kortedala, which will be out October 6th in North America and September 6th in Scandinavia...
Jens Lekman -- Friday Night At The Drive-In Bingo
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Voxtrot Summer

Friday, August 3, 2007
2 From Youth Group

Kasabian Flashback
Empire Strikes Back

I have only recently started to really investigate the 2nd Kasabian album, Empire, even though it came out last September...I loved their first album a little bit more than everyone else I think but with Album #2, I wasn't "ready" for it's hard to explain...anyway, the time has is Kasabian with a little support from a string section...
It's Called "Phoning It In"
The broken computers prompted protracted squabbles among lawmakers Friday
afternoon. Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.) questioned how they could vote if they were unable to see the usual tally. Lawmakers are accustomed to seeing how their colleagues are voting while they mull their own decision.
Burning Photographs

Troubled Bridge Over Troubled Water

"The bridge, in my opinion, is beyond repair," said Jugesh Kapur, chief bridge engineer at the state Department of Transportation. "We really want to shut it down because we are taking a risk every day by keeping that bridge open."
There Are Limits...
Not that there aren’t limits.
After Gehrke and Mehta were finished, a man raised his hand and said that John McCain was a POW but that he never had psychological counseling to deal with post-traumatic stress syndrome, and this could be used against him.
The people in the room reacted to this with silence. Some shook their heads.
“Let’s be very, very careful,” Mehta said. “Some people say, ‘Romney is a Mormon and McCain was a POW.’ But let’s remember that [Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid is a Mormon, too. We are the party of religious tolerance. Other people say, ‘Rudy Giuliani lived with a gay couple.’ Great, but we don’t think there is anything wrong with that. So let’s use things in the right way.”
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Bananas & Terrorists
On April 24, 2003, a board member of Chiquita International Brands disclosed to a top official at the Justice Department that the king of the banana trade was evidently breaking the nation's anti-terrorism laws.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Brainstem #1
Michael Savage.
Further Thoughts
Little recognized is how fundamentally important the medical system is -- and not just the enemy's weaponry -- in determining weather or not someone dies. U.S. homicide rates, for example, have dropped in recent years to levels unseen since the min-1960s. Yet aggravated assaults, particularly with firearms, have more than tripled during that time period. A key mitigating factor appears to be the trauma care provided: more people maybe be getting shot, but doctors are saving even more of them. Mortality from gun assaults has fallen from 16 percent in 1964 to 5 percent today.
The Return of the Return of the Rentals

Monday, Monday

I made my way to 3rd Avenue and was pleasantly reminded how many psychopaths inhabit Seattle during the summer and how many seem to love hanging around the Pikes Place Market area. I made my way to a bus stop out in front of the Macy's and right across from a McDonald's.
I got done with work that day at 4:45pm. By the time I missed three buses and made it to Macy's it was 5:45pm. If I had been a little less patient and started walking right after missing that first bus, I could have nearly made it on time for the attempted murder that happened at that bus stop. Read about it here. More here.
It is these little twists of fate that I think about a lot here in Seattle where things like this happen more often than they should.